Pixel Clash
  • Power Modules
  • Components
  • Systems



PIXEL-CLASH is sufficiently UxD and UI based Web Application to screen everyone’s strategy and procedures in real time, during the Photography contest, we have parted the PIXEL-CLASH into three major sectors as follows:

a) PCRM (Pixel Clash Registration Module)

b) PCAM (Pixel Clash Administrative Module)

c) PCJM (Pixel Clash Judgement Module)

Submission System:-  
a) Salon/Circuit uploading system creation (in your own domain with Full SSL Support) -> You can do this setup yourself or Our team will do that.
Features of Uploading System
1) User can upload images & update profiles till last date.
2) You can do Print or Digital salon or Circuit
3) For Print Uploading people can download barcode sticker for attaching in the back of print photograph or entry.
4) Uploading system can be configured for different categories or sections even if you like you can change image count per section too.i.e. you can configure 5 images per section or 4 images per section etc.
5) Can set different image sizes like resolution or size in MB etc.
6) Can show participants status with paid /due status, print received/ Not received status.
7)Images uploading system have some Rules like it may accept images if dimension,size matches, We will also do not accept images which have special characters in title and have more than 35 character. Further we will not accept images if duplicate title given in same section.
b) Hosting the uploading system -> We will use Cloud Servers thus as per requirement RAM, CPU, STORAGE can be adjusted
c) Organiser have to verify payments from the admin panel
d) Organiser can send corresponding emails from Emailing System from the admin panel of the software to the registered users.   i.e. 1) Organisers can send emails to registered but yet to upload users , 2) No paid users, 3) If Print category organiser can send email to participants whose Print Not received just to give reminder etc.
Judging System :-  We have two systems
1) Online — > Here we show images in laptop and scoring option like 1to 5 or 16-25 or YES/NO below the image
2) Offline -> Here we will show the images in a large LCD or LED display or Projector and jury can see scoring option like 1to 5 or 16-25 or YES/NO  in our Mobile App.
In print category we will scan the barcode of image and show the image to Jury and jury can give marks in respected image. Other procedure is same as digital.
We Run Two rounds for award selection. From first round we select acceptances and from second round we select Awards
After the marks entry we will sort the photographs as per marks given by jury and we can choose top images for prizes.
For YES/NO Judging System in first round we got 4 types of images 1) 3 Yes, 2) 2Yes, 3) 1 Yes, 4) 0 Yes
We run 2nd round with 2 YES images if they can be upgraded for 3 Yes or No. Then we start the Awards selection procedure.
In Yes/No System we show the images in thumbnail format with 3 Yes  and Jury then select images for Award.
N.B. Here we have automatic duplicate author checking at the time of Prize saving.
Acceptance Special Round :- As PSA FIAP have rules for 35% & 25%  acceptance we have an option to check if percentages for acceptance is okay or not. As most clubs want to give maximum acceptances we have developed a special round for this too.
In this round we provide JURY to upgrade images with a special mark YES/NO thus images can be upgraded to accepted cutoff. Generally we run this round with images immediately below the cut-off mark.
Result:-  After completion of the acceptance round result is ready. organiser can download the excel sheet of award list and full acceptance list with all images accepted or rejected status.–> Our team also can do the same for organiser.
Automated Score Card:-  Score Card is also ready as soon as acceptance round is completed.
Awards & Acceptance Gallery:-  I provide all awarded and accepted images as separate categorised zip file. Now it is organisers wish how they want to show this in gallery. Some upload images in website, Some upload youtube video gallery, some upload as PDF File gallery.
e) EDAS GENERATION – In our software we have provision to generate EDAS for PSA, FIAP, FIP. Organiser can generate the EDAS themselves or Our team will generate the EDAS for them. Generally organisers want to generate EDAS after some day to rectify titles  as there are few titles correction requests generally come to organisers.
f) Automated DIGITAL Acceptance certificate generation —> We can shoot emails with attached pdf acceptance certificate.
g)Automated Catalogue generation- Here we will provide the awarded, accepted images catalogue in word file and country wise statistics in excel. Organiser
h) Promotional Mails ( We send bulk emails using sendgrid. It is an Add-on service. we charge extra on this. But typically it is less than sendgrid as we are bulk purchaser. Our rate is Rs. 3500 for 50K mails in a month)
i) Facebook Ads (It is an Add-on service – 6K budget for 15 days is quite good budget)–> We have addon profesional charge also in it.
j) Video Gallery Preparation (Add on service)