Universal Image Circuit 2021
JCM Photographic Society organised Universal Image Circuit 2021 to explore the emerging talents in several genres of photography. This international photography circuit was approved by the Photographic Society of America (recognition no: PSA 2021 – 1161) in association with WPG ( 2021/15-17), DACICA SRAF, and Wildlife Photography Association of India (WPAI – 2021/003-006). Universal Image Circuit is digitally hosted and managed by Pixel Clash, a Photography Salon Software.
Universal Image Circuit 2021 closed the submission of entries on 5 April 2021. Judging was conducted between 17 April to 19 April. Notification over web and mail was sent on 3 May 2021. The exhibition of the accepted images will take place on 10 June 2021. EDAS was prepared and sent to PSA on 19 May 2021. All awards and medals will be sent from 4 July 2021. The circuit is based on eight sections and three judgings. Eight sections are: Mono Open, Mono- Theme (City Life), Color Open, Color Theme (City Life), Nature, Wildlife, Photojournalism & Photo Travel. Three judgings are conducted by JCM – India, WPG – Saudi Arabia, and DACICA – Romania.
Universal Image Circuit 2021 invited a group of photography experts from all over the world for the evaluation of the entries in different judging panels. The judging panel of judging 1 (JCM) is featured by Chitrangad Kumar, FPSA, MPSA, AFIAP, FISF, SPSA, Subhash Sapru – APSA, PPSA, AIIPC, Hon. ESUSPA, A WIEP, Hon. WPAI, Hon. MTPAS, and Sarabjit Kaur – APSA, PPSA, F. HKNPS, Hon. WPG, A.WPG, A.ISF, WPAI Gold, GPU Cr/3. The judges of panel 2 (WPG) were Najla Angawi, ESFIAP, EFIAP/s, PPSA, GPU.CR2, MICS, Hon Life Representative ICS, Abbas Alkhamis, EFIAP/g, PPSA, BPSA, GPU CR3, GPU VIP2, Hon. FWPG, Hon. PESGSPC, and Isa Ebrahim, MFIAP, EFIAP/g, EPSA, GPU CR4, GPU VIP2, Hon. FWPG, GPU Aphrodite. Judging 3 (DACICA) included Tibor Jakab, EFIAP/gold, FPSA, MPSA, ASIIPC, Hon. FPSG, Hon. FICS, GM.ICS, Hon FWPAI, Hon FPI, Răzvan Băleanu, E.PSA, B.PSA, GPU CR2, Hon. FICS, EFIAP/b, PSA 4*, GPU Hermes, and Mircea Anghel, A. FIAP, HON.FICS in their jury panel.
Result of Universal Image Circuit
ARNALDO PAULO CHE received the Best Entrant award in Universal Image Circuit 2021. BARUN SINHA won the award of Best Indian Entrant and PLAPPA has been awarded as the Best Club in the circuit. PSA Gold award-winning photographs in different sections and different judging are the following:
Judging 1
In the Open Monochrome section, Ching Ching Chan (Hong Kong) won PSA Gold award for the photograph RURAL GIRLS PLAYING. In the Open Monochrome (Theme-City Life) section, PSA Gold award winning image is STREET IN RAIN from the lens of Abhishek Basak (India). In the Open Colour section, Yongxiong Lin (Australia) won PSA Gold for the photograph RODEO 43. In the Open Colour (Theme-City Life) Arnaldo Paule Che (Hong Kong) received PSA Gold for the photograph WALKING CARPETS 1. Hung Tsui (Hong Kong) received PSA Gold for the photograph LAST STAND OF THE WILDEBEESTS BABY in the Nature section. AN EVENING IN CROATIA from the lens of Anirban Ash (India) won PSA Gold award in the Photo Travel section. In the Photo Journalism section, Eric Tkindt (Belgium) won PSA Gold award for the photograph HIGHJUMP. HYAENAS KILLING WILDE BEEAST from the lens of Maheshwaraiah M (India) received PSA Gold award in the Wildlife section.
Judging 2
In the Open Monochrome section, Ching Ching Chan (Hong Kong) won PSA Gold award for the photograph HIT 2. Arnaldo Paulo Che’s (Hong Kong) photograph STRUGGLE FOR A WINDOW SEAT 1 won PSA Gold award in the Open Monochrome (Theme-City Life) section. Ching Ching Chan (Hong Kong) won PSA Gold in the Open Colour section for the photograph UNDER THE SAME SKY. Arnaldo Paulo Che (Hong Kong) won PSA Gold for the photograph BUTTER TEA PARTY 4 in the Open Colour (Theme-City section). THE TRAVELLING BIDS B P from the lens of Jie Fischer (USA) won PSA Gold in the Nature section. Phillip Kwan (Canada) won PSA Gold in the Photo Travel section for the photograph WALKING UP IN SNOW. Oleg Kutskiy (Ukraine) received PSA Gold in the Photo Journalism section for the photograph SHIPWRECK 1. HYAENAS KILLING WILDE BEEAST from the lens of Maheshwaraiah M (India) received PSA Gold award in the Wildlife section.
Judging 3
In the Open Monochrome section, Gottfried Catania (Malta) received PSA Gold award for the photograph CURVES 2. Arnaldo Paulo Che’s (Hong Kong) photograph STRUGGLE FOR A WINDOW SEAT 1 won PSA Gold award in the Open Monochrome (Theme-City Life) section. In the Open Colour section, Sharifa Khatri (India) won PSA Gold award for the photograph VALLEY 9. In the Open Colour (Theme-City Life), WALKING CARPETS 1 from the lens of Arnaldo Paulo Che (Hong Kong) won PSA Gold award. Lingyun Mao (USA) received PSA Gold in the Nature section for the photograph ANTARCTIC REFLECTION 1. In the Photo Travel section, Urs Jenzer (Switzerland) received PSA Gold for the photograph VENEDIG 4. TAKE SNOW TRAVEL from the lens of Jurong Yu (China) received PSA Gold award in the Photo Journalism section. In the Wildlife section, LITTLE BROWN BAT DRINKING 07 from the lens of Lillian Roberts (USA) won the PSA Gold award.
Click here for the complete list of awards and acceptances in the Universal Image Circuit 2021.
References: the official website of Universal Image Circuit 2021