Pixel Clash Hosts the City of Joy 1st International Digital Salon 2022
Kolkata is popularly known as the City of Joy for her rich cultural heritage, architectural wonders, arts and literature, lively people, and colourful festivals. The City of Joy 1st International Digital Salon 2022 organised by Kolkata’s reputed photography club Bengal Photography Institute is an initiative to promote Kolkata’s prolonged obsession with visual arts and its exposure. This international-level photography salon has connected photography experts and budding photographers across the globe to Kolkata’s rich arts and culture. The photography event has been affiliated with the Photographic Society of America (PSA 2022 – 340) and also approved by GPU (L220078 – M5G), and BPI (2022/001). Pixel Clash, a Photography Salon Software, has managed the salon digitally.
City of Joy 1st International Digital Salon 2022 is based on 5 sections namely Open Monochrome (PIDM), Open Colour (PIDC), Photo Travel (PTD), Nature and Wildlife (ND), and Theme-Transport (PIDC). All the sections are in digital format only and dully approved by PSA and GPU. The awards and acceptances received from this section will be for PSA & GPU ratings and distinctions. The submission of entries was closed on 4th September 2022 followed by the judgings between 11th – 18th September 2022. Notification of awards and acceptances was emailed and uploaded to the salon website on 27 September 2022. The award despatch is going to start on 11 November 2022. The exhibition of awarded photographs is likely to take place between January to February of 2023.
City of Joy 1st International Digital Salon 2022 was blessed with the gracious presence of photography experts like Subrata Bysack (INDIA) – APSA, GMPSA/P, EFIAP/d1, GPU CR5; Udayan Sankar Pal (INDIA) – EFIAP, GPU CR4, VIP3, APHRODITE, CMoL, SSS/r+Air, EHPS, IIG/p2, honAvTvISO; and Tuhin Kanti Das (INDIA) –MPSA, EFIAP, FFIP, GREENHOOD SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE MEMBER, PSA in their judging panel. The salon offered a total of 104 awards in all five sections among which there are 3 Gold medals, 2 silver medals, and 2 bronze medals in each section. There are 3 e-Certificates thematic awards in each of the 5 sections according to the popular themes in those respective sections.
In the Open Monochrome section, the PSA Gold award-winning photograph is Madari by Abhishek Mondal (India). The GPU Gold and Club Gold medals are awarded to Lovable Touch by Arnab Roy (India) and Tren Nuong by Khanh Nguyen (Vietnam). In the Open Color section, Aniruddha Roy (India) wins the PSA Gold medal for his photograph Detenio Ahora. Ratnajit Choudhury’s (India) Village Lifestyle secures the GPU Gold and Molly on Couch by Graham Smith (Australia) wins the Club Gold medal. In the Photo Travel section, My Home by Goutam Pal (India) wins the PSA Gold medal. Raju Ponaganti’s (India) Prabala Festival 5, and Sudhir Nazare’s (India) Jejuri Festival win GPU Gold and Club Gold medals respectively.
In the Nature and Wildlife section, Sleep in Peace by Ajay Kumar Tharavath (India) secures the PSA Gold medal. Chitra Joshi’s (India) Attention and Claudio Pettazzi’s (Italy) Hunt win GPU Gold and Club Gold medals respectively in this section. In the Theme – Transport section, Destructive Downpour by Debarshi Mukherjee (India) wins the PSA Gold medal. Festival Train by Mohammad Ali Salin (USA) wins GPU Gold, whereas Festival Scenes on the Street by Ratnajit Choudhury (India) secures Club Gold in this section.
Pixel Clash, a Photography Salon Software, is proud to be a part of City of Joy 1st International Digital Salon 2022 organised by Bengal Photography Institute, Kolkata!!! Pixel Clash has been trusted as the best photography salon/circuit/exhibition software by many reputed photography clubs for managing their international photography events across India and beyond. We are grateful to Bengal Photography Institute, a prestigious photography club in Kolkata, for choosing us to host their international digital salon!! We are overwhelmed to be acknowledged with such a beautiful Memento!!! We promise to keep your trust in our future collaboration.