Green Corridor International Photography Exhibition 2022
Green Corridor International Photography Exhibition 2022 is a digital photography exhibition cum contest for the promotion of the awareness of the preservation of Nature and Wildlife through the art of photography. This international level photography salon has been organised by GCIPE Photography club in accordance with the rules, regulations, and sectional definitions of PSA. The salon is based on four sections: Nature (ND), Wildlife (ND), Photo Travel (PTD), and Photo Journalism (PJD). Green Corridor Exhibition 2022 has been digitally managed and hosted by Pixel Clash, a Photography Salon Software.
The judging panel of the Green Green Corridor International Photography Exhibition 2022 is featured by noted Indian photography experts such as Subrata Bysack, GMPSA/P, EFIAP/P, Achinta Kumar Saha, GMPSA, EFIAP/P, and Chinmoy Dutta, MPSA, EFIA. The exhibition committee received entries in all the sections as per the respective section definitions. The entries were received till 12 March 2022 and the judging took place between 22 March to 2 April 2022. The notification was sent to the entrants by the deadline on 16 April 2022. Electronic Catalogues and awards will be sent to the recipients on 18 June 2022 followed by the beginning of the Online Exhibition on the same day.
Awards and Acceptances in the Green Corridor Exhibition 2022
There are 8 awards in each section of the Green Green Corridor International Photography Exhibition 2022 which are 1 PSA Gold 1 Green Corridor Gold, 1 Blank Canvas Gold, 1 HPS Photoclub Gold, 3 E-Ribbon, and 1 Chairman Choice Gold Medal. The acceptance rates in Nature, Travel, Wildlife, and Photo Journalism are 33.87%, 33.61%, 32.40%, and 33.65% respectively. The acceptance list includes photographs from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, England, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Kuwait, Malaysia, Malta, New Zealand, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, and USA.
In the Nature section, the PSA Gold medal is awarded to Suman Bhattacharyya (India) for his photograph CHEETAH AFTER KILL 21. This section’s Green Corridor Gold medal is awarded to Baoting Chen’s (USA) photograph WARM HEART. Blank Canvas Gold medal-winning photograph of this section is EXCHANGE_FOOD_IN_THE_SKY by Wei Lian (USA). Jie Fischer’s (USA) ANIMAL PORTRAITS10 receives the HPS Fotoclub Gold Medal. The Chairman Choice Gold Medal in Nature section goes to Patrick W. Siu’s (Canada) photograph GD.
In the Photo Travel section, Ling Jyi Chao (Taiwan) wins the PSA Gold medal for the photograph TAIWAN51. Henry Jang’s (USA) REFLECTION CANYON receives the Green Corridor Gold medal and Faisal Alloughani’s (Kuwait) MOORING 133 receives the Blank Canvas Gold medal in this section. The HPS Fotoclub Gold Medal in this section is awarded to Ching Ching Chan (Hong Kong) for the photograph THE ONLY RED. This section’s Chairman Choice Gold Medal is awarded to Wei Lian’s (USA) photograph FLOWING-LIGHT-GOLDEN-GATE-BRIDGE.
In the Wildlife section of Green Corridor International Photography Exhibition 2022, the PSA Gold medal is awarded to Baoting Chen’s (USA) photograph MOTHER AND CUB. Suman Bhattacharyya’s (India) photograph KILL PARTY 201907 wins the Green Corridor Gold medal in this section. Wei Lian’s (USA) BALD_EAGLE_CATCH_FISH receives the Blank Canvas Gold medal and Jennifer Margaret Webster’s (England) WILD DOGS BUILDING A BOND receives the HPS Photoclub Gold medal in this section. The Chairman Choice Gold Medal in this section is received by Subramanya C.K. for the photograph PREDATOR AND PREY.
In the Photo Journalism section, Sumit Sanyal (India) wins the PSA Gold medal for his work THE FLOOD. Ling Jyi Chao (Taiwan) wins the Green Corridor Gold medal for the photograph HANDICAPPED 14. The Blank Canvas Gold medal in this section goes to Chiong Soon Tiong’s (Malaysia) photograph MT AGUNG ERUPTION BALI. The HPS Fotoclub Gold medal of this section goes to Suman Bhattacharyya (India) for the photograph SWERAGE CLEANERS 202108. This section’s Chairman Choice Gold Medal goes to Faisal Alloughani’s (Kuwait) RUGBY 24. Click here for the complete list of awards and acceptances.
References and Cover Photo: the official website of Green Corridor International Photography Exhibition 2022