Fotosquare 5th International Salon 2022 Digital
Fotosquare 5th International Salon 2022 Digital is an initiative of Indian photography club OMNIQ for the sake of bringing emerging concepts of photography by global artists. OMNIQ Art Foundation is a Photo-Artist Forum which was established in 2015 for promoting the shared ideas, techniques, and values of photographers of different genres. OMNIQ is a Govt. registered photography club and a proud member of the Federation of Indian Photography (FIP). This international photography salon is recognised by Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique (FIAP 2022/108), Federation of Indian Photography (2021/FIP/225/2022), The Image Colleague Society (ICS 2022/217), Global Photographic Union (GPU L220066), Image Sans Frontiere (ISF: 30/2022), Master of Light Photographic Association (MOL 2022/25) etc. Fotosquare 2022 is digitally managed for the submission of entries, judging, and declaration of results by Pixel Clash, a Photography Salon Software.
The submission of entries for the Fotosquare 2022 was closed on 20 March 2022. Judgings of all the sections were done between 26 March 2022 to 27 March 2022. Notification of awards and acceptances was sent via email and website on 8 April 2022. FIAP and FIP EDAS (s) were sent on 28 April 2022. All the awarded photographs will be open for exhibition from 28 May 2022 to 29 May 2022. Awards and catalogues will be sent to the winners and accepted authors on 30 May 2022.
Fotosquare 5th International Salon 2022 Digital is based on 4 sections which are Monochrome Open, Colour Open, Nature, and Photo Travel. Internationally recognised photo artists featuring the jury panels of Fotosquare 2022 are Mr. Sudhir Saxena , ARPS, EFIAP/g, EFIP/g, EFIP/g-nature, HON.FICS (India), Mr. Zee Kek Heng EFIAP/S GMPSA/B, EFIAP/P, GPU CR 5, ESPSS, HON.WPAI, HON.FUPHK (Singapore), and Mr. Thanasis Hadjipavlou ,EFIAP / s, EFIP, EPSA, M.ICS, C * MOL, ER ISF, R-ISF 10, Hon.CPE, A.CPE, ES.CPE, Xp.AvTvISO, EHPS. (Cyprus). The salon received entries from various nations of the world like India, France, Turkey, Poland, England, Cyprus, Finland, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Belgium, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Singapore, Czech Republic, China, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Belarus, Spain, Australia, Brazil, South Korea, Indonesia, Slovakia, Greece, Scotland, Romania, Ireland, Denmark, Netherlands, New Zealand, Luxembourg etc.
Awards and Acceptances in Fotosquare 2022
Fotosquare 2022 offers four different sets of awards in four sections. In the Open Monochrome section, the award list includes 1 FIAP GOLD, 1 GPU GOLD, 1 ISF GOLD, 2 FIAP HM, 1 MOL GOLD, 1 FIP GOLD, 5 FIP RIBBON, 1 GPU HM, and 5 OAF GOLD. In the Open Colour section, the awards are 1 FIAP GOLD, 1 GPU GOLD, 1 ISF GOLD, 2 FIAP HM, 1 MOL SILVER, 1 FIP GOLD, 5 FIP RIBBON, 1 GPU HM, and 5 OAF GOLD. In the Nature section, there are 1 FIAP GOLD, 1 GPU GOLD, 1 ISF GOLD, 2 FIAP HM, 1 MOL BRONZE, 1 FIP GOLD, 5 FIP RIBBON, 1 GPU HM, and 5 OAF GOLD. In the Photo Travel section, the awards are 1 FIAP GOLD, 1 GPU GOLD, 1 ISF GOLD, 2 FIAP HM, 1 OAF GOLD, 1 FIP GOLD, 5 FIP RIBBON, 1 GPU HM, and 5 OAF GOLD. The award list also includes 4 Special Awards for the BEST AUTHOR OF THE SALON (FIAP BADGE), BEST INDIAN AUTHOR (MOL Badge + 1 GPU HM), BEST FEMALE AUTHOR (MOL DIPLOMA + 1 GPU HM), and a TROPHY for the BEST CLUB.
The FIAP Gold award is the highest award in all the four sections in Fotosquare 2022. The FIAP Gold winning photograph in the Open Monochrome section is STUDIO DI NUDO by Mario Iaquinta (Italy). In the Open Colour section, the FIAP Gold medal is awarded to Huu Hung Truong (Vietnam) for the photograph 2-TRUONGHUUHUNG-JPG- TWO SISTERS. In the Nature section, the FIAP Gold medal is awarded to Christine Gaboriau (France) for the photograph DERNIERE HEURE. In the Photo Travel section, the FIAP Gold medal-winning photograph is TOWN OF KRANJ by Janez Podnar (Slovenia). Hao Dang (Vietnam) receives FIAP Badge for being selected as the Best Author of the Salon. The Best Indian Author award (MOL Badge + GPU HM) is received by Mrinal Sen. Lee Eng Tan (Singapore) receives the MOL Diploma and 1 GPU HM for being selected as the Best Female Author of the Salon. the Best Club Award Trophy is awarded to PLAAPA. Click here for the complete list of awards and acceptances in Fotosquare 2022.
The Cover Image and the References: the official website of Fotosquare 5th International Salon 2022 Digital