Tamilnadu 1st National Salon 2020
Tamilnadu 1st National Salon 2020 is an initiative of Diyasha for connecting passionate photographers across the nation. Diyasha is an India based photography club that is engaged in organizing photography related workshop, national and international salons, and circuits throughout the year. This photography salon is approved by the Federation of Indian Photography (FIP) (2020/FIP/207/2020) and powered by Pixel Clash, A photography Salon Software. This national level photography competition closes entries on 10th November 2020 and the Jury Meeting took place on 21st, 22nd & 23rd November 2020. Notification over the mail and website was done on 1st December 2020. The exhibition is scheduled for 9th and 10th January 2021. Catalogue/Awards will be distributed on 12th January 2021.
The Open Monochrome section has secured 23.42% acceptance (among a total number of 888 entrants) and this section’s jury panel is featured by SK Balachandder (EFIP). The rate of accepted images in the Open Colour section is 24.47% (among 903 entries). This section is judged by Maheswaran Karthikeyan (AFIP). In the Photo Travel section, the rate of acceptance is 23.43% (among 895 entries) and this section’s jury panel is featured by Vivek Kalla (AFIP). The Theme-Water section’s acceptance rate is 23.43% (among 781 entries). The award list of Tamilnadu 1st National Saloon 2020 includes 4 FIP Gold Medal, 4 Club Gold Medal, 4 Club Silver Medal, 4 Club Bronze Medal, 20 FIP Ribbon, 12 JURY Choice Medal, 4 Chairman Choice Medal, 20 Merit Medal, and 3 Best Club Memento.
In the Open Monochrome section, Anirban Banerjee’s THE BEGINING OF LIFE has received the prestigious FIP Gold award the Open Monochrome section. This is an image of a newborn baby crying just in the aftermath of the C-section surgery. The beautiful capture of Mr. Banerjee reflects the force of life and the human emotion attached to a new life. The beautiful capture The Club Gold award in this section is received by Udayan Sankar Pal for his image BREAK, which shows two men taking a break inside a beautiful architecture after hard work. The FIP Gold award in the Open Colour section has been secured by Udayan Sankar Pal, for his image, A MOMENT SHARED, which connects two-generation and their traditional way of spending leisure through gossiping and pampering cute animals. Sadiqur Rahman’s RED CHILI secured the Club Gold award in this section. This image creatively unfolds a red chili with artistic imagination. Karthik S Kargallu’s image THEYYAM has received the FIP Gold award in the Photo Travel section. The photographer captures vivid expressions of people amidst the festive mood of Theyyam, a traditional; dance worshiping ritual in Kerala, India. Sujit Mandal’s ZIG ZAG has won the Club Gold award in the same section. This image is a beautiful capture of a hill station and its zigzag way filled with mists. Thirumalai Ganesh Shreerapathi’s image INCEPTION POINT has received the FIP Gold award in the Theme-Water section. This image is a bird’s eye view of a Yacht crossing a beautiful blue lagoon by the side of a desert-like place. The Club Gold award recipient in this section is Chinmoy Bhattacharjee for his image WATER PLAYING. This image illustrates a few boys playing a water game that shows the unbound joy of childhood.
Tamilnadu 1st National Salon 2020 experienced a magnificent collection of captures by brilliant photographers across the country in several sections. The awarded and accepted images exhibit human passion, emotion, culture, ethnicity, people, country, city, and all aspects of life and demography of India so vividly. Pixel Clash is very proud to provide technical support for such a lively national level photo salon. Click on the following links for the complete list of awards and acceptances and the salon catalogue:
Gallery of Accepted Images

Source of the cover image and information: the official website of Tamilnadu National Circuit 2020