Altius Circuit 2021
Altius Circuit 2021, a 6 judging circuit, has become buzzing words in the arena of world photography. This photography exhibition cum competition has brought spectacular images from the lens of photography experts from all around the world. The circuit is recognised by Photographic Society of America (PSA NO.2021-1051). Pixel Clash, a Photography Salon Software has managed and hosted this photo contest digitally for global reach.
Altius Circuit 2021 is based on four PSA approved sections namely Open Monochrome (PIDM), Open Color (PIDC), Photo Journalism (PJD), and Nature (ND). The circuit closes the submission of entries on 19 January 2021. Judging of all the salons and sections are closed on 9 February. Notification of acceptances and awards is sent over web and mail on 23 February 2021. EDAS report will be sent to PSA on 9 March 2021. Online gallery, awards, and catalogue will be posted by 25 April 2021.
Jury Panel
The Jury panel of Salon 1 (Daffodil Salon) is featured by Suman Bhattacharyya ARPS, EFIAP/b,MPSA, PSA Nature Evaluator, Francis Nicoll GMPSA, MFIAP,EFIAP/P,, ESFIAP,GPU-CR4, and Jozef Aerts HON.PSA, GMPSA/S, MFIAP, EFIAP/P. Salon 2 (Aster Salon) engages Gunther Reihle GMPSA/P,APSA, Norbert Heil APSA, MPSA, and Jerry Luis Ruff AFIAP,PPSA, GPU-HERMIS CR2 as the jury members. The jury panel of Salon 3 (Lavender Salon) includes Bekir Yesiltas Hon.CPE – Hon.FSAP – Hon.PESGSPC – Hon.FWPG – Hon.FPI – Hon.PIPC – Hon.APF – Hon.PMP – Hon.GMGNG – Hon.FTPAS – EFIAP – GAIUP – EPSA – C*MOL – GPU ZEUS – R-ISF10 – E.CPE GPA.PESGSPC – GPU CROWN 3 – A.ISF – ES.CPE, Ozcan Simsek AFIAP,QPSA, HIUP, and Umberto Deramo AFIAP, PPSA, GPU CR3, GPU-VIP2.
Salon 4 (Tulip Salon) of Altius Circuit engages Norman Johnson EPSA, Margaret Boike APSA,MPSA, and James D smith MPSA,GPU CR3 in their jury panel. The jury panel of Salon 5 (Daisy Salon) is featured by Ovi D Pop EFIAP/S, GPUCR4, PPSA, Janos Eifert EFIAP/B, ESFIAP, EPSA, and Eric CAUSSE EFIAP/S, GPU CR2, QPSA. The jury panel of Salon 6 (Lotus Salon) includes Fengying Long GMPSA, BPSA, LRPS, Danlei ye GMPSA, SPSA, ARPS, AFIAP, and Huiquian Yang MPSA.
Result of Altius Circuit 2021
Daffodil Salon
In the Open Monochrome section, HANSA TANGMANPOOWADOL from Thailand receives PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) award for the photo SPIRIT OF WATER II. KATIE MAK from Canada receives JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE in the same section for the photo FISHING IN THE MIST. In the Open Colour section, YONGXIONG LING from Australia receives PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) award for the photo RED HOME. In this section, JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE is received by DAVID NORRIS from Australia for the photo BAY OF FIRE.
In the Nature section, CHING CHING CHAN from Hong Kong wins PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) award for the photo CHATTING. CHAN SENG TANG from Macau receives JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE for the photo CATCHING THE SNAKE 20 in the same section. In Photo Journalism section, HANSA TANGMANPOOWADOL from Thailand receives PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) award for the photo WITH MY DREAMS. GERHARD BOEHM from Germany receives JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE for the photo SPRINT 2016 in this section.
Aster Salon
In the Open Monochrome section, AJAR SETIADI from Indonesia receives PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) award for the photo PLAYING CHESS. GILLIAN STEYN from England receives JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE for BANISH THE BETRAYER in the same section. In the Open Colour section, BERND STOFFL from Australia receives PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) for the photo BUILDING ART. AHMED MOHAMED HASSAN from Qatar receives JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE for THREE MASK in this section.
In the Nature section, BRUNO SCHEIBEL from France receives PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) for the photo JUMEAU, and MAZZOLA RENZO from Italy receives JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE for the photo D2-CODIBUGNOLI. In Photo Journalism section, KOICHI SATO from Japan receives PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) for the photo GREAT EAST JAPAN TSUNAMI DAMAGE 2. ISTVAN KEREKES from Hungary receives JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE for the photo 2000M STEEPLECHASE.
Lavender Salon
In the Open Monochrome section, ISTVAN KEREKES from Hungary receives PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) award for the photo ORPHANAGE LIFE. WENDY DENG from Australia receives JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFIC for SPINNING in the same section. In the Open Colour section, WENDY DENG from Australia receives PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) for the photo COOKING. GERARD MOREL from France receives JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE for the photo KAWAH IJEN 2011-1.
In the Nature section, MAHESHWARAIAH M from India receives PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) for the photo CHEETHAS KILLING WILDEBEEST, and BRUNO SCHEIBEL from France receives JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE for MEDUSE in this section. In the Photo Journalism section, JEAN LUC LEGRAND from Belgium receives PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) for the photo FIN DES 3 TOURS. ISTVAN KEREKES from Hungary receives JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE for the photo MIGRANT LIFE.
Tulip Salon
In the Open Monochrome section, AJAR SETIADI from Indonesia receives PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) for the photo A PAIR OF WHITE BETTA FISH. ISTVAN KEREKES from Hungary receives JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE for the photo MARAMURESAN TALE in the same section. In the Open Colour section, ANDRé GERTOSIO ( GERTOSIO ) from France receives PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) for the photo VULCANIA. GAIL MOONEY from Australia receives JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICAT in the same section for the photo NIGHT OUT.
In the Nature section, THAI AN NGUYEN from Vietnam receives PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) award for the photo 1-THAIAN-JPG- MOTHER LOVE, and BOB GIVEN from Northern Ireland wins JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE for the photo BORNEAN ORANGUTANS. In the Photo Journalism section, KATHERINE WONG from Canada receives PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) award for the photo ROPING THE CALF. ISTVAN KEREKES from Hungary receives JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE for the photo MIGRANT LIFE in the same section.
Daisy Salon
In the Open Monochrome section, YONGXIONG LING from Australia receives PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) for the photo RODEO 30 BW. NORMANTE RIBOKAITE from Lithuania receives JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE for the photo BEFORE STORM 10 in the same section. In the Open Colour section, NAY LIN from Myanmar receives PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) for NOVICE PRAY ISTVAN KEREKES from Hungary receives JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE for YELENA.
In the Nature section, AJAR SETIADI from Indonesia wins PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) for BLUE VENOM ALONE, and JIE FISCHER from USA wins JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE for MIGRATIPON GNUS12 L10240. In the Photo Journalism section, HANSA TANGMANPOOWADOL from Thailand wins PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) for the photo WITH MY DREAMS, and CHAN SENG TANG from Macau receives JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE for TACKLE 3.
Lotus Salon
In the Open Monochrome section, ILDIKó SOPRONFALVI from Hungary wins PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) for the photo ARCHITECTURE ROMANCE. KA YI WINNIE TSE from Hong Kong receives JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE for the photo WILDEBEEST CROSSING in the same section. In the Open Colour section, YIPING XU from Australia receives PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) for the photo CONQUER12. KA YI WINNIE TSE from Hong Kong receives JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE for the photo EAGLE CATCHES CHICKS in the same section.
In the Nature section, THAI AN NGUYEN from Vietnam wins PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) for the photo 1-THAIAN-JPG- MOTHER LOVE. HARISH NN from India wins JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE for the photo WHISPERING OXPECKER in this section. In the Photo Journalism section, HANSA TANGMANPOOWADOL from Thailand wins PSA GOLD (BEST OF SHOW) for the photo WITH MY DREAMS. FELIX SHPARBERG from Australia receives JURY GOLD CHOICE CERTIFICATE in the same section for the photo HELPING.
Click on the following button for the complete list of awards and acceptances:
Source of the cover photo and information: the official website of Altius Circuit 2021