Picsmania International Circuit 2021
Picsmania International Circuit 2021 is an international level photography event cum exhibition organised by Indian photography club Picturesque. The circuit is based on 3 judging and 5 sections which are Open Monochrome (PIDM), Open Colour (PIDC), Photo Travel (PTD), Nature (ND), and People (PIDC). Picsmania is recognised by the Photography Society of America (PSA recognition id: 2021 – 1332) and powered by Pixel Clash, a Photography Salon Software.
Picsmania 2021 closes the submission of entries for participation on 16 May 2021. Judgings of all the sections and salons are completed by 31 March 2021. Notification of result is sent via website and emails on 14 June 2021. EDAS report will be prepared and sent to PSA on 30 June 2021. Awards will be mailed to the recipients by 16 August 2021. Online gallery will be posted by 16 August 2021. Catalogue will be posted by 16 August 2021.
The judging panel of Picsmania Circuit 2021 is featured by renowned photographers of world repute. Judging 1 is conducted by Achintya Kumar Saha GMPSA, EFIAP/P, Asim Kumar Chaudhuri MPSA, EFIAP, and Sudip Roychoudhury EFIAP. The panel of Judging 2 engages Amitabha Sil EPSA, EFIAP, ARPS Jayanta Roy EFIAP, and Swapan Mukherjee EFIAP. Judging 3 of the circuit is conducted by Subrata Bysack GMPSA/P, EFIAP/P Dipankar Dasgupta EFIAP/S, and Soham Sarkar EPSA, EFIAP. Mr. Arindam Chatterjee AFIAP has been the Circuit Chairman of this event.
Result of Picsmania International Circuit
Judging 1
In the Open Monochrome section, PSA Gold is awarded to Ching Ching Chan (Hong Kong) for the photograph LIFE AT LIANGSHAN. Picsmania Gold in this section is received by Arnaldo Paulo Che (Hong Kong) for the photograph OLD MAN IN SMOKE 2. In the Open Colour section, PSA Gold medal winning photograph is Arnaldo Paulo Che’s (Hong Kong) LANTERN FESTIVAL 1. This section’s Picsmania Gold medal is received by Peter Balantic (Slovenia) for the photograph THE FIRST RAYS OF SUNSHINE. In the Nature section, Jie Fischer’s (USA) LION HUBNTING 7 wins PSA Gold medal. Picsmania Gold in this section is awarded to Ajit Huilgol (India) for the photograph CHEETAH TUG OF WAR.
In the Photo Travel section, Phillip Kawn (Canada) wins PSA Gold medal for the photograph WALKING UP IN SNOW, and Henry Jang (USA) wins Picsmania Gold for REFLECTION CANYON_2. In the People section, PSA Gold is awarded to Ching Ching Chan (Hong Kong) for the photograph HAPPY HARVEST. Picsmania Gold in this section is received by Arnaldo Paulo Che (Hong Kong) for the photograph UNDER THE SAME SNOW 1.
Judging 2
In the Open Monochrome section, PSA Gold is awarded to Arnaldo Paulo Che (Hong Kong) for the photograph OLD MAN IN SMOKE 2. Picsmania Gold in this section is received by Joaquin Salinas D’ Anglada (Spain) for the photograph EMOCIONES. In the Open Colour section, Shiu Gun Wong (Hong Kong) wins PSA Gold medal for the photograph MY COMPANIONS. Arnaldo Paulo Che’s (Hong Kong) LANTERN FESTIVAL 1 has received Picsmania Gold medal in this section. In the Nature section, Phillip Kawn’s (Canada) BEAR EATING FISH receives PSA Gold medal. Picsmania Gold in this section is awarded to Ajit Huilgol (India) for the photograph CHEETAH TUG OF WAR.
In the Photo Travel section, Phillip Kawn (Canada) wins PSA Gold medal for the photograph WALKING UP IN SNOW. Arnaldo Paulo Che (Hong Kong) wins Picsmania Gold Medal for the photograph BUDDHIST FESTIVAL 6. In the People section, Arnaldo Paulo Che (Hong Kong) wins PSA Gold Medal for the photograph A CUP OF TEA 1. This section’s PIcsmania Gold is awarded to Ajit Huilgol (India) for the photograph THE ENTERTAINER.
Judging 3
In the Open Monochrome section, PSA Gold is awarded to Igor Debevec (Slovenia) for the photograph ADAM AND EVA 06. Picsmania Gold in this section is received by Arnaldo Paulo Che (Hong Kong) for the photograph A FOGGY MORNING 3. In the Open Colour section, PSA Gold medal-winning photograph is Ching Ching Chan’s (Hong Kong) VILLAGE WRINKLED LADY. This section’s Picsmania Gold medal is received by Amy Jazic (Croatia) for the photograph TRADITION. In the Nature section, Manu Reghuarajan’s (UAE) LIONS OF MASAIMARA wins PSA Gold medal. Picsmania Gold in this section is awarded to Ha Phi Thi Thu (Vietnam) for the photograph GREAT FOOD GREAT FUTURE.
In the Photo Travel section, Henry Jang (USA) wins PSA Gold for the photograph REFLECTION CANYON_2, and Arnaldo Paulo Che (Hong Kong) wins Picsmania Gold for BUDDHIST FESTIVAL 6. In the People section, PSA Gold is awarded to Ajit Huilgol (India) for the photograph THE ENTERTAINER. Picsmania Gold in this section is received by Arnaldo Paulo Che (Hong Kong) for the photograph A CUP OF TEA 1.
Click here for the complete list of awards and acceptances.
References: the official website of Picsmania International Circuit 2021